Assalamualikum and hello everyone, thank you to visit my blog. I hope this blog will give an knowledge to all of you..

Image result for image welcome

This blog was one of my assignment for my subject Information and Communication In Science was one of my major subject. I learn a lot in this subject especially about computer, software and technology. This subject make my life more easier to use the technology in the right ways. It give me a lot of advantage especially skills in ICT. This blog show all the assignment that we must doing along the semester. The step to use all the software also i updated in this blog. I hope this blog will give the input and benefit to all of you.

Here i want to introduce you all about myself.. I from small village at Ipoh. I start study at Upsi since 2013 untill now.
Here i have a lot of friend that help me a lot to do my assignment. Bayu was one of my classmate since start my degree untill now.

Thank you to all my friend and lecture that give me help and wonderful warm hug to further my study here.\
Here they have all my assignment that i done along my semester. You all can take it as reference and skill to learn in technology. That all from me..Let enjoy thank you.


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